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A New Year For Camera Club



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A New Year For Camera Club

Flagpole Camera Club kicked off its 2008 year with a competition featuring children as its theme. Members submitted prints in color and black and white. Rita Buonnano won first place in the standard competition with her image called “My Little Angel,” and Donna White, with a photo called “Waiting for the Big One,” won the digital enhanced division.

The competition was judged by Tom and Lisa Cuchara of New Haven Camera Club, who also presented a program on digital file management, photography concepts, composition, even travel suggestions for packing and protecting equipment and being prepared to photograph in all kinds of weather conditions.

Following their workshop, the Cucharas offered a slide presentation of photos that included nature and wildlife subjects. They were also very complimentary of the work of the Flagpole members.

The club accepted the resignation of John Tucci as President due to career confinements. Don Brooks will serve out his unexpired term.

Flagpole members also discussed the production of a book in early 2009 of Newtown’s year in 2008. The book will be patterned after the Tercentennial book The Way we Were in 2005. The club’s plans are to take pictures all throughout 2008 of Newtown –places, people, events and things – to serve as a historical record. The club will donate the book to the library and if the project is successful produce a book in each subsequent year.

Flagpole Club meets the third Thursday of the month in the library for programs and competition. The February competition subject will be “Macro,” or close-up prints. A work session on mat cutting and mounting will be presented by Karen Kensek.

Visitors and prospective new members are always welcome and the club particularly invites high school students who may participate free of any dues, which are normally $20 per year. Information is available at the club’s website, FlagpolePhotographers.com.

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