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A Timely Editorial



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To the Editor:The Bee on its excellent editorial "When A Moral Compass Goes South" [January 19, 2018]. The editorial was timely and on target. Kindness, compassion, understanding, and empathy are needed in today's world more than ever. Newtowners certainly understand and appreciate this and understand, more than most, how important words and actions are and how valued and necessary kindness is.

I want to compliment

There is no need or reason or high ground to be had in name calling or denigrating others - and it is especially inappropriate when the person doing the name calling is our President. I would have thought that at the very least we could expect the United States, in the form of its leader, to show respect and compassion. Unfortunately our current President does the exact opposite more often than not.

As the editorial concluded: "It would do our President well to take part in some serious self-examination and ask himself 'What does it mean to command a people?' Citizens of the United States must demand that our leader command in a manner faithful to the tenets of this country - and be respectful of our community and those who mirror our efforts."

Robert Rabinowitz

30 Alpine Circle, Sandy Hook         January 23, 2018

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