Snapshot: Ray Peterson
Occupation: I’m the vice president for research and editorial services at Forecast International on Commerce Road. My company provides aerospace and defense market intelligence for many major US and international companies.
Family: I’ve been married to Lisa for 20 years. We have no kids.
Pets: Lisa and I breed Norwegian Elkhounds, going back seven generations. Right now, we have Jinx, her son, Linx, and a 10-month old puppy, Adele. She’s a cutie.
How long have you been in Newtown? Lisa and I moved to the Dodgingtown area just after we were married, in 1994.
What do you like to do in your free time? I like to walk. I like to explore the town. One of my favorite places is Rocky Glen State Park, an incredible gem tucked away in Sandy Hook. It’s beautiful, running along the Pootatuck. You look up at the cliffs and could almost feel you’re in Maine. I also enjoy cooking and reading.
Do you have a favorite book? A Course in Miracles. It’s a guide to inner peace that I began reading years ago, and I read its passages every day. It’s not a book that can be read over a weekend. It took me nearly a year to get through it the first time, but it was worth it. I’d recommend it to anyone.
Do you have a favorite cookbook? Right now, I’ve got a magazine I picked up at Costco, with 30-minute dinners in it, that is remarkable. I’ve been using that lately.
Do you have a favorite travel destination? I’ve been to London a dozen times over the years on business, and I think it’s one of the best cities outside the US. Hawaii is my favorite vacation destination. It still has that Aloha spirit.
What is the best thing about Newtown? I like Newtown’s geographical diversity. As you drive along the town’s many winding roads, you can find yourself on a hilltop one moment, enjoying a vista that extends for miles. Then you’re deep in the woods, driving along a rocky stream. Or you’re driving by a lake, round a curve, and come upon horses grazing in a large paddock. I’ve been in Newtown for two decades and there’s still plenty left to explore.
Who has been the greatest influence in your life? My wife, Lisa, for reasons far too numerous to list here. She’s a wonderful woman, with a lot of talents that have rubbed off on me over the years.
Do you have a personal philosophy? It is “Live in the now.” The past is over, and the future doesn’t exist. I try to adhere to that as much as I can.
Do you have a guilty pleasure? I enjoy drinking beer from microbreweries, especially those located in Connecticut. A ride to Black Hog Brewing in Oxford, on a Saturday afternoon, is a guilty pleasure, indeed, and well worth the trip!