Chorus Performance At Middle Gate
As soon as the door opened for the audience to enter at Middle Gate Elementary School on January 12, the chorus on the gymnasium stage was waving to younger siblings and friends, who waved and called back excitedly.
Middle Gate fourth graders performed for parents and family the night before, and it was time to put on a show for the school.
The mutual feeling of appreciation between performer and audience carried through to the opening Middle Gate cheer, “S-O-A-R-S!.” Middle Gate Music educator Tina Jones then accompanied the chorus on piano for a sing-along of the Middle Gate school song.
Jones introduced the performers, and gave the young audience helpful tips about how to respectfully and appropriately attend a choir concert.
Following this, the program became a mock newscast. A student walked out carrying a sign that read “MGS News Channel 7,” and reporters interviewed members of the chorus about things they enjoyed doing in the winter. This segued into the performance’s first song, “Winter Fun,” where members gleefully sang “We’re gonna build a snowman … ten feet tall!”
A “MGS News” weather report followed, then Middle Gate chorus members beckoned the audience to “Take a Winter Walk With Me.” Students whistled the entire second verse, swaying along to the music.
The student-led newscast theme continued to format the show. Under the direction of Jones, the fourth grade chorus presented Middle Gate with a theatrical, winter wonderland experience.
Reporter Noelle Veillette can be reached at