Free Seminars For Business Owners
The Newtown Economic Development Commission and the Newtown Chamber of Commerce have partnered with the US Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Connecticut District Office to offer free seminars for small business owners and those thinking about entering the world of entrepreneurship.
All seminars will be held in the lower meeting room of C.H. Booth Library, 25 Main Street, from 8 to 9:30 am. Coffee and bagels will be served.
The following workshops are scheduled:
*Tuesday February 3, “How to Start Your Own Business (ABCs of Business Plan).”
For those who have ever thought about starting a business, doing it right from the start is a key to success. This seminar will cover topics such as choosing a business name/structure, licensing, registrations, etc.
Also covered will be the importance of business plan, what it is used for, what should be in it, and what it says about a business and its owner.
Speakers are Jessica Rivera from SBA and Nelson Merchant from Small Business District Center.
*Tuesday February 10, “Marketing and Advertising.”
What can a marketing plan do for a small business? This seminar will help attendees understand many ways to reach and manage a competitive position in a target market.
Topics will include traditional marketing tactics, social media options, potential pitfalls, budget and cost control, and how to determine if one’s time and money are being well spent.
Speakers will be Joanne Marcinek from, John Voket representing The Newtown Bee and Connoisseur Media radio network, and Moraima Gutierrez from SBA.
*Tuesday February 24, “Financing Your Small Business.”
Finding capital for a small business is not impossible. This seminar will offer pointers from the SBA, Newtown Savings Bank and its SBA lending, Connecticut Department of Community & Economic Development (DCED) about its Business Express financing and SBA’s microloan program, as well as other lending program.
Speakers are Sheila Hummel of Connecticut’s DCED, Bill Tierney from SBA, and Paula Woodhouse from Newtown Savings Bank.
*Tuesday March 3, “How to Navigate and Search for Bids.”
This seminar will cover where to register in order to do business with the State of Connecticut and the federal government, websites for locating federal bids over $25,000, and the state’s bid portal where state and municipal bids can be found. Also covered will be state and federal set-aside programs.
Lisa Powell from CT SBA will lead this seminar.
All seminars are sponsored by Newtown Savings Bank with support from the Newtown Chamber of Commerce.
For information, contact Betsy Paynter, economic development coordinator, at Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street; 203-270-4281 or