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Michael Compagnoni, NHS Class of 2004, has been named an Albion College Fellow, an honor conferred on students who have maintained a 3.7 GPA for three consecutive semesters. Michael, son of Charles Compagnoni and Maureen Compagnoni, is a junior majoring in political science, with a  concentration in the Gerald R. Ford Institute for Public Policy and Service.

Michael Coster, son of Harry and Stephanie Coster of Newtown, has been named to the Dean’s List at Drexel University in Philadelphia. Michael, NHS Class of 2006, is pursuing a degree in materials engineering.

Alyssa Schankman, daughter of Dr and Mrs Ned Schankman, has been named to the Dean’s List for the fall semester at Roger Williams University in Bristol, R.I. Alyssa is a member of RWU’s varsity equestrian team.

Eastern Connecticut State University, in Willimantic, announces the following local students have been named to the Dean’s List for the fall semester: Michelle Grimaldi, Ronald Islet, John Kostecki, Alexandra Roy, Melissa Russell, and Kristine Vichiola.

Amber Butler, NHS Class of 2005, has been named to the Dean’s List for the fall semester at Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Penn. Amber is the daughter of Shawn and Laurel Butler of Newtown.

Noah Kugielsky, NHS Class of 2006, has been named to the Dean’s List for the fall semester at Syracuse University. Noah, son of Anne and Joseph Kugielsky of Newtown, is majoring in biology and psychology.

Westover School in Middlebury announces the following residents have been named to the Honor Roll for the fall term. High Honors with Distinction: Jenn Agius, Emily Notaro, and Anna Marie Unschuld. Honors: Liz Reznikoff and Ashley Soucar.

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