Where Is Newtown's First Baby?
Who was the first baby born to Newtown parents in 2015? We are ready to find out. In addition to that wonderful new baby smell and the joy of life that has arrived in someone’s home, The Newtown Bee and 23 additional local businesses are looking forward to introducing the local newborn whose birth coincides closest to the arrival of the new year.
Did he or she arrive within a minute of the new year, like Alexander DaPra did in 1996? Was the baby like many previous First Babies, born on January 2 (seven within the past 16 years) or January 3 or 4 (four within the same timeframe)? or did he or she wait a little while, like 2011 First Baby Kenneth Miller, born to Christine and Konrad Miller of Sandy Hook on January 10? We will know soon.
We have not heard from anyone yet, so this year’s deadline is being extended.
The winning parents will be the ones who send the earliest birthdate (and time, if necessary, to break a tie) to The Newtown Bee by noon Tuesday, January 20. Parents must be Newtown residents, and will need to submit the exact time and date of the child’s birth; their name and address; and the place of birth, gender, weight, and name of the newborn.
The First Baby of Newtown 2015 will win for his or her family everything from baked goods and champagne to savings bonds, multiple dining opportunities, and even automotive services.
Friends, family, and neighbors of newborns, you can help too: Make sure the parents of any Newtown newborns know about this honorary title and all the prizes that come with it.
Contact Newtown Bee Associate Editor Shannon Hicks at 203-426-3141 or shannon@thebee.com with this information. The winners will be notified the evening of January 20.
Readers will (hopefully... ) be introduced to Newtown’s First Baby of 2015 in the January 23 issue of The Newtown Bee.