HORNETS versus JAZZ: Kevin Troy powered the Hornets with a strong performances while Jamie Walsh, Josh Nightingale, and Mike Bunger paced the Jazz.
KNICKS versus HEAT: Ryan Goodridge, Jared Modzelewski, Peter Cochrane, and Kyle McNamara all led the Knicks while Matt Hill, Tim Gerrity and Matt Marel paced the Heat.
CELTICS versus KINGS: Jacob Burg, Andrew Meisel, Chris Eriquez and Cole DePuy anchored the Celtics while Adam Margoulis, Pete Wlasak, Sam Miller and Dan Spencer had solid performances for the Kings.
NETS versus 76ERS: Tom Jackman, Ian Cooper, Eric Dreher and Michael McDonald played well for the Sixers.
BULLS versus HUSKIES: Tyler Edwards, Tucker LaPak, Cody Cullens and Jacob Dauz were outstanding for the Bulls as Jake DeVellis, Kris Kling, Patrick Stein and Ryan Burch were all solid for the Huskies.
PACERS versus LAKERS: Adam Feldman, John Zigman, Tom James and Jamie Post hustled for the Pacers as the Lakers got good games from Gregory Larnerd, Kyle DiNicola and Nick Saviano.
XPLOSION versus REIGN: Elissa Robertson and Maggie Kimball played well for the Xplosion while Sara Lewis, Kate Bamberg and Hanna Tennenbaum powered the Reign.
HUSKIES versus RAGE: Lindsay Laub, Kaila Harrington and Alex Thomas paced the Huskies as Colleen Thornberg, Jenna Legros and Sydney Russell anchored the Rage.
BLIZZARD versus LASERS: Olivia Dillon hit a buzzer beater to power the Blizzard. Emily Loose, Caitlin OâHandley and Molly Murtha all had solid performances. For the Lasers, Emily DeMarco and Adele Cerretta had good all-around floor games.