Finally, The Time Has Come (And Some Reminders)
The long-delayed ability to add a user’s full name has been instated and with it, the paper’s new policy requiring a first and last name from users who post comments on our website.
These changes come in response to requests from readers — and really, something we have been mulling for quite some time, and then hit a hitch or two trying to implement.
With the capability in effect and the policy also in effect, anyone who wishes to comment on our stories through our website must not only register, they must also register their first and last names as their user name. As of this week, there were 29,800+ registered users for our website. A very small percentage use their names; most hide behind names or words that hint at who they are or what they’re trying to say. We applaud the small percentage, that brave minority. They do not always agree with us. Sometimes they don’t even seem to like us very much. Their opinions aren’t always well received by others who comment. We applaud them, however, for leading by example. These are the folks we want to keep hearing from: those who speak their mind and tell us who they are while doing so. They back their statements by saying, “Yes, that’s what I think and here is my real name.”
Moving forward, our website will be like Meta and many others in the sense that we want readers and commenters to see real names. There will no longer be the option of hiding behind a fake persona. Comments submitted without proper names will not be approved.
It must be noted that we currently require first and last names on our Hive letters to the editor, and those letters tend to be where a majority of comments are made. It always seemed a bit unfair to the letter writers who had to provide their identities that they could receive responses from users who were able to remain entirely anonymous. This will no longer be the case. While it will still be possible to post a comment without a full name, such comments lacking the name will not be approved.
To add a name to your user profile online, log in at and click your user profile in the top left corner. In the menu on the left side, choose “Users,” then “Profile.” This will bring up the fields where you can add your name, as well as a drop-down below that will enable the display name to be changed to your name. Make sure to take all those steps; profiles not displaying a real first and last name will not be approved to appear on the site.
Why? Newspapers deal in the truth. Our reporters attend meetings, speak to residents and business leaders and community leaders, et al, to gather and share the truth. We stand behind what we publish. The bylines on our stories have two purposes. They serve to tell people who did their homework and wrote a story. They also inform readers who they can contact if they have questions or challenges to the facts presented. They hold our writers responsible for the words attached to them. Bylines are our equivalent to the user names we want to see on our website.
We are not infringing on anyone’s rights in telling those who want to comment on our website to use their real names. We are calling on readers to stand up for what they feel, believe, and want to share. Thank you to those who already do this. We hope you will be joined by many others who find the courage to do the same.
As to reminders, with our publishing date moved forward, our deadlines have moved forward as well. Letters deadline is noon Wednesday, obituaries deadline is 3 pm Wednesday, religion deadline including births, engagements and weddings is 4 pm Tuesday, school news deadline is 5 pm Tuesday, and general news deadline is 3 pm Wednesday. The inside sections of The Bee go to print at 3 pm Wednesday and the A section of The Bee goes to print by 10 pm Wednesday.
Yea. great decision and it will add to the quality of comments posted.