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It's Not Too Late to Vaccinate! 



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It’s Not Too Late to Vaccinate! 

DANBURY — National Influenza Vaccination week was established to highlight the importance of getting a flu or H1N1 shot now that the holiday season is over. Since the H1N1 disease is likely to continue, the Danbury VNA is engaging in public health campaign to increase the number of individuals who get their shot.

In this unprecedented year when both seasonal flu and the H1N1 are being administered concurrently, there are many area residents who have not yet received either or both vaccines. The association encourages Newtown residents to get the message out to family and friends.

The Danbury VNA is still scheduling clinics at its office by appointment. H1N1 is free to the uninsured, underinsured, and those whose insurance coverage is with a plan other than the DVNA contracted companies.

Call the Danbury VNA at 203-730-5249 or the DVNA hotline at 203-730-5239.

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