Another Successful Mitten Tree
To the Editor:
Recently the 13th annual “Mitten Tree” concluded... and just in the nick of time!
The hundreds of hats, mittens, and scarves collected in the Newtown Police Department lobby over the last month all went to the Newtown Social Services Department. It was perfect timing with the recent frigid temperatures that literally fell upon us! We received our usual "special delivery" package that starts off our tree every year from Judy La Branche down in sunny Florida! We received many homemade as well as store brought items.
I checked with Social Services several days after dropping off the items...... and I was pleasantly surprised to see that most of the donated items had already found new well needed homes! Without the generosity of so many kind individuals, so many children and adults would be without the hats, mittens, and scarves that the rest of us just take for granted!
Thank you all so much! Stay warm!
Officer Maryhelen McCarthy
Newtown Police Department
3 Main Street, Newtown January 14, 2014