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After meeting recently with property owners who questioned their new assessments, the firm that did the revaluations lowered the assessments for 218 persons. Assessor Vivian Mayer said she believed that about 600 persons had questioned the revaluations.


Newtown Montessori: “My name is Sean Peterson and I am six years old. I like practicing my handwriting. I use poems for practice. We are studying how the earth changes. The Grand Canyon was formed by water pushing down on the ground and forming a deep valley. See you later in the year.”


Conservation Director James Benson has suggested the Legislative Council review the possibility of establishing an ordinance prohibiting the discharge of lead shot in Newtown. The shot is sometimes used in shotgun shells. Mr Benson, in a letter, said, “My research on the phenomenon of toxic lead shot accumulation on the aquatic environment floor suggested that the perils posed to both water quality and aquatic dependent biota are significant.”

January 20, 1961

The first worship service of Christ the King Lutheran Church will be conducted this Sunday at 9:15 am, in the auditorium of Hawley School on Church Hill Road. A fellowship hour will immediately follow the service to which all are welcome. A nursery will be provided for babies and little children during both the worship service and Sunday School.


Last Wednesday at a special assembly at the Hawley School auditorium, the Auxiliary of the Charles Howard Peck Sr and Jr Post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars presented to each classroom of the school a new 50-star American flag.


Charles D. Ferris 3d of Sugar Street, Newtown, has been given the exclusive use of the name “Ferris Acres” as a herd name in registering purebred Holstein-Friesian cattle. This prefix name is granted and will be recorded by the Holstein-Friesian Association of America. It will be used in naming all animals bred by Mr Ferris.


Report of the Dickinson Memorial Park Commission: The budget for the past year was $6,500. The Park income was $1,550, making the net cost of the park operation $4,950. The major activities were swimming, tennis, and picnicking. Over 300 children enrolled in the Red Cross Swimming Classes.


January 17, 1936

Mrs Edward S. Pitzschler returned to her home on Sunday afternoon from the Danbury hospital where she has been confined for several weeks as a result of being struck by an automobile.


The regular Friday night dance at the Hawley Manor sponsored by the Young People’s Club is open to the public of Newtown and surrounding towns. The cost is 25 cents, which includes refreshments. The music is furnished by the five-piece mechanical orchestra which patiently plays for all who deposit a nickel. The proceeds over expenses will go toward buying a new record.


On Thursday, February 6, at 8:30 pm, Greek Evans, noted baritone and director of the Theatre-in-the-Woods at Norwalk, will present at the Edmond Town Hall a costume recital of numbers from light and grand operas. It is the idea of this highly successful director, that the public wants to hear high class music, but that they like it with the added attraction of the color and glamour of the theater.


Last Thursday night found a possum dinner being enjoyed at the home of John W. Rav, the possum being provided through the hunting prowess of Fred Crouch.


January 20, 1911

Indian Sagwa, Kickapoo oil and worm killer, Hill’s worm syrup, Miles’ Nervine, $1; Graham’s Dyspepsis cure, 50 cents; Kemp’s Balsam, 25 and 50 cents; King’s New Discovery, 50 cents’ Foley’s honey and tar, 25 and 50 cents; Platt’s chlorides, 50 cents; Antiphlogestine, 50 and 75 cents; At Corbett & Crowe’s.


A.H. Mallikin of Chicago, Ill., has purchased of I.F. Terry of Bethel a tract of 500 acres of woodland in Hanover and with another tract of about 200 acres of Charles B. Glover of Hanover, and, it is also reported, he purchased another tract of Birdsey Glover of Hanover, is to convert the whole tract into a game preserve.


William Hayes, a popular and much sought after clerk at the Brick store, came near wrecking the automobile of Dr Kiernan. The genial William was returning from the depot and was about to drive up to the platform. The Dr says William caught sight of a pretty girl near the postoffice and did not see the affable Pill Man was backing around his auto. There was a collision with one of the mudguards on the doctor’s auto with a rear wheel on William’s wagon. There was a biff-bang! Biff-bang! Biff-bang! As the guard scraped from spoke to spoke. William says Dr Kiernan needs a lot like the Fair grounds to turn around in.


Fred Verrelle, who makes his home with Mr and Mrs Henry Bourquenez at Botsford, had the misfortune, last Tuesday, while sawing out shingles to get one of his hands on the saw, badly cutting the first two fingers and cutting off the end of the third finger. Dr W.H. Kiernan was called and dressed the hand. The young man is now getting along as well as can be expected.

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