The Elephant In The Room
To the Editor:
At the Newtown BOE meeting this week, school officials shared with the public that there has been a sharp increase in “students with behavioral challenges in our elementary schools” and “heightened levels of incidents of student aggression and unsafe behaviors.” It was stated further that this problem was not solely experienced by teachers and staff in the Newtown schools.
Mr Vouros and Mrs Hamilton tried to explore what may be some of the underlying issues associated with this increase in problematic student behaviors. Since it is widely accepted that “kindergarten is the new first grade,” it follows that all the primary grades have been impacted by the rush to keep up with all the new curriculum changes that have been forced on our school children to ensure their “college and career readiness.” Of course, the proverbial “elephant in the room” is the many federal and state requirements to maintain flawed educational directives that have resulted in “one-size-fits-all” instruction, time spent teaching to an unproven and meaningless SBAC test, and the overall demoralization of both students and teachers in an educational environment where no one will listen, let alone speak up and push-back against unfair reformist mandates.
Perhaps, we could return to developmentally-appropriate instruction in our classrooms where the teachers who knew the students' best could support and direct their learning without relying on scripted, “canned” instructional materials made by others. It is long past time to place blame, but it is time to draw on the experience, expertise, and insights of our educational professionals to demonstrate the courage of their convictions and honestly inform the public of the uphill battle that together they all face.
Jack Bestor
Walnut Tree Hill Road, Sandy Hook January 13, 2016