Continue Plastic Bag Ban
To the Editor:
Newtown should continue the ban on single use plastic bags. The town of Newtown should be working on the process of recycling in general.
The separation of glass from the waste stream made a huge difference and Newtown should return to separating cardboard and office paper. It would seem that it would be easier and pay better to recycle paper and cardboard.
Currently too little of recycled materials actually gets recycled and most ends up in incinerators or landfills. We should consider also having a swap area such as communities on Cape Cod where usable furniture and other items are set aside for others to take. It works well in those communities.
In any case we should continue our efforts to keep things out of the waste stream, not reverse progress we have made.
John S. Boccuzzi Sr.
This is all about the 10 cent fee. Drop the fee, keep the ban.