Obres Celebrate 50 Years Together
Obres Celebrate 50 Years Together
Jack and Mary Obre of Key Rock Road celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in November with a renewal of vows at a diocesan Mass celebrated by Bishop William E. Lori at St Theresa Church, Trumbull. The couple also received a papal blessing by Pope Benedict VI and a congratulatory card from President George Bush and his wife Laura.
Jack Obre and Mary Doherty were married November 3, 1956, at Holy Child Jesus Church, Queens, N.Y. They have lived in Newtown for 48 years.
The couple were also guests at a celebration with family and friends that took place on November 4 at the Dana-Holcombe House in Newtown, given by their children and spouses, Peter and Julie Obre. Kathy and Shawn Cunningham, Jackie and James Gomes, and Michael and Mari Obre. The Obres also have eight grandchildren: Matthew, Emily, Jordan, Noah, Ally, Brooke, Blake, and Grant.
Jack Obre retired as data process manager from Republic Foil, Danbury. Mary Obre retired as a paralegal from the Danbury law firm Collins, Hannafin, Garamella, Jaber & Tuozzolo.