Help Protect Quiet Neighborhoods
Help Protect Quiet Neighborhoods
To the Editor,
Recently, a plan to develop three ballfields on open space land on Old Farm Hill Road has been proposed.
This neighborhood is quiet, strictly residential and far removed from the public activities of the town. We believe that this project will impact not only our neighborhood but also those located on the narrow, winding streets leading to and from ours on both sides, and possibly at some future date, any residential neighborhood containing town-owned open space in Newtown.
The Parks & Recreation Commission has invited all residents of Old Farm Hill Road, Horseshoe Ridge and Yearling Lane to an information meeting to be held on Tuesday, January 18th at 7pm in the Middle School auditorium. We urge all residents of neighborhoods like ours, and anywhere in Newtown, to come out in support of not placing busy, recreational facilities in quiet, highly residential neighborhoods and for the responsible, organized planning and development of the ballfields and other facilities our growing town so desperately needs.
Robin Fitzgerald
24 Old Farm Hill                           January 12, 2000