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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

A Successful Blood Drive



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To the Editor: The Newtown Bee for publicizing the drive and for your continuing support of Lions Club-sponsored events.

On Tuesday, January 9, the Newtown Lions Club sponsored another very successful Red Cross Blood Drive at the Newtown Congregational Church. On behalf of the Lions Club, I want to thank 

I also want to thank our great team: the Newtown Woman's Club, who handled donor registration; Women Involved in Newtown (WIN), who provided delicious baked goods; and Jeff Dymerski at Newtown Dunkin' Donuts, who generously provided coffee, as he always does.

Many thanks to the Congregational Church for hosting the Blood Drive and to local Newtown churches for publicizing the event in their bulletins and via their social media. Finally, I want to thank the Lions Club members who staffed the donor table during the ten-hour event, and the tireless Red Cross workers who also put in a very long day to collect more than 80 units of blood. Once again, Newtowners have joined forces to work on an event that can make a real difference in people's lives.

Best regards,

Jim Ondak, Newtown Lions Club

4 White Oak Farm Road, Newtown         January 10, 2018

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