Trick Or TreatingIn December
Trick Or Treating
In December
To the Editor:
Yes, I had three 13-year-old boys at my house, and they were bored and wanted to go trick or treating December 28.
My first thought of course was: are you serious? Yes they were. I dug out the costumes from the years past and put them in a pile, and they dug through them and found the perfect one. Off they went with costumes and a video camera (like Candid Camera would do).
I thought they were just going to our neighbors house, but know they decided to go to houses on our street that do not know them! To my surprise they were welcomed with candy and a smile, and a happy new year! Not to many people would see this as a great thing, but I do. They were not destructive an any way, they are a good group of kids just having some clean fun.
Thank you all of you on Bennettâs Bridge that participated. Two out of three kids were not able to go trick or treating and you made their day! Even though it was December it was a day they will always remember!
Jan Balmforth
44A Bennettâs Bridge Road, Sandy Hook               January 2, 2004