Happy Birthday, Hiram Lodge #18
To the Editor:
On a cold January 14th of 1791, a charter signed by the first Grandmaster of Freemasons in Connecticut (Pierpont Edwards) established Hiram Lodge #18 in Newtown, CT. Thus began one of Newtown’s oldest institutions. Interestingly, history showed Newtown as more Loyalist than on the other side of the Pootatuck River where allegiance was more to the Revolutionists. There, Masons had already established King Solomon’s Lodge #7 in Woodbury, and its edifice remains one of the oldest continuously used Lodge buildings in the entire United States. The Revolutionary War was fought right here, but loyalists and revolutionaries alike found common ground as Brothers in Freemasonry.
Hiram Lodge’s first Master, Captain Peter Nichols is buried in the Newtown Village Cemetery.
Now 228 years young, 118 men have held the title of Master, and in our present Sandy Hook building, erected in 1905, Freemasonry in Newtown continues a long tradition of service, camaraderie and dedicated to the principles of Brotherly Love (tolerance and respect for the opinions of others and behave with kindness and understanding), Relief (practice charity and to care, not only for their own, but also for the community as a whole, both by charitable giving, and by voluntary efforts and works as individuals), and Truth (high moral standards and aiming to achieve them in their own lives. Freemasons believe that these principles represent a way of achieving higher standards in life).
Hiram Lodge #18 meets the first and third Wednesdays at 3 Washington Avenue in Sandy Hook, except in July and August. For more information about Freemasonry, to contact our lodge or if you have an interest in becoming a member, please visit our website hiramlodge18.org, or send an e-mail to hiramlodge18@gmail.com.
Bill Hillman, Hiram Lodge #18 Junior Warden
3 Washington Avenue, Sandy Hook January 8, 2019