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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Preserve The Character Of Sandy Hook Center



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To the Editor:The Newtown Bee's editorial of November 30, "Caretakers Of Our Character." That editorial notes, with some trepidation, the recent effect of overlay zones on the South Main Street corridor with the recent addition of Walgreens and Tractor Supply Co., and the currently proposed veterinary hospital and boarding facility. To quote from that editorial, "We love our historic street and its New England character watched over by residents and borough agents. We love our outlying districts, too; we count on our town officials and zoning laws to see that they, too, retain the rural charm that draws people to Newtown."

I am writing to express my opposition to 79 Church Hill Road, LLC's application for a change of zone from the current BPO Zone to Incentive Housing Overlay Zone-10, for the property at 79 Church Hill Road in Sandy Hook. The developers are seeking this change of zone not only in order to build an extensive apartment complex, but also so that they can create approximately 28,940 square feet of retail space and 26,420 square feet of office space at the intersection of Church Hill Road and Walnut Tree Hill Road.

Several years ago the homeowners on Church Hill Road in Sandy Hook approached the town government, and the Zoning Commission in particular, to discuss the possibility of creating a Historic District between Exit 10 and the center of Sandy Hook. The homeowners were advised that a better way to go would be to create a BPO district that would allow "limited commercial activity" while still preserving the residential and historic character of the neighborhood. The BPO Zone was subsequently adopted and the charming character of Church Hill Road in Sandy Hook has thus far been preserved. At the same time, we have witnessed a wonderful revitalization of the SHOP district in Sandy Hook Center with at least three new restaurants and a number of thriving businesses. A large part of the SHOP District's charm stems from the manner in which the village is nestled within the surrounding residential neighborhoods and that charm is well worth preserving.

Approval of this proposal would forever alter the character of Church Hill Road and would quite possibly be only the first domino to fall in the gradual erosion of Sandy Hook Center. As a longtime resident of Church Hill Road, I accepted the change of zone from Residential to BPO as a commitment on the part of the Zoning Commission to the long-term preservation of the historic character of Sandy Hook. I would strongly urge the current Zoning Commission not to renege on that commitment.

Finally, I would refer readers, and especially members of the Zoning Commission, to

Eric W. Mueller

83 Church Hill Road, Sandy Hook         January 8, 2018

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