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Teach Both Sides Of The Global Warming Issue



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Teach Both Sides Of The Global Warming Issue

To the Editor:

This is in response to “Political Pep Or Pedagogy” [Letter Hive, 1/1/10]. I am not surprised Ms Romano is unaware of the large and growing international scientific community that has shown that human induced CO2 is not the cause of global warming. I believe there is climate change as there has been since the earth’s creation. The earth has experienced much warmer periods in its past than we have seen recently well before the creation of human induced CO2.

Most of the mainstream media are proponents of CO2 induced global warming and never air opposing viewpoints, and we wonder why Ms Romano would state “I am not sure what such a view would be.” This is exactly the problem with having the outside organization “ACE” come to NMS telling students the grim future the planet faces if we don’t stop human induced CO2 emissions. In a school environment hearing only one side of a subject, students would tend to think this is a proven fact.

I have no problem educating students about current world topics/issues; however, let’s take a balanced approach. Global warming is a controversial subject with two opposing viewpoints. But when you educate from one viewpoint, you go down the road of indoctrination. I call on NMS to inform and educate its students that there are two sides to this issue and that CO2’s impact on global warming is far from being settled.

I suggest NMS and Ms Romano visit the Friends of Science website which has many great teaching tools, globalwarminghoax.com, or the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change website nipccreport.org, to name a few.

Robert Watson

51 High Rock Road, Sandy Hook                                January 6, 2010

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