Destroying Newtown's Rural Quality
To the Editor:
Our town is about to possibly change the zoning of the 35 acres at the beginning of Walnut Tree Hill Road to allow between 180 to 240 units, plus commercial usage in this area that are 36 feet high and close to the road. This neighborhood already has 212 condos in back of it since 1995. We cannot let this happen.
It is unconscionable to increase the density in this area any further. It is already dangerous to leave our driveways, or even to get our mail. The town’s mission is to keep its integrity and rural quality, protect its neighborhoods, citizens and property values. This would destroy it.
George Benson from Land Use says they are doing us a favor. This is a spin. What favor? Big houses matching our neighborhood should only be allowed. They have other places that can be developed for the affordable housing that is needed. It should not be all in the same area. How is that fair? The whole town should share that burden if it really needs to.
Back in November of 2004 when there was another attempt to put condos on this land, former selectman Herb Rosenthal stated in The Newtown Bee “I have concerns about traffic safety on Walnut Tree Hill Road, as there are already significant traffic issues without the addition of another complex on this section of the road.” He also added “Exit 10 is one of the town’s major points of entry and a large complex on this particular parcel would not be the type of image the town would wish to present.”
People in the Beelines section always say what they love most is the rural quality of the town. We have several historic homes dating back to the 1800s in this area. We have lived here 32 years, love our house, our town, paid our taxes and raised our four children here. How can the town decide that it is ok to squeeze us between two complexes behind us and now one proposed in front of us that could total a possible 450 units?
Zoning cannot just cater to the financial gain for the builders. That is a crime and an assault on our town and its people. These decisions impact our lives forever.
Ten years ago, the zoning board had the good sense not to allow the Toll Brothers to build 140 condos on this property. Why should the current board allow even higher density now?
Barbara Chimileski
22 Walnut Tree Hill Road, Sandy Hook January 6, 2015