Individual Support Helps Maintain Library’s ‘Appeal’
To the Editor:
I am often asked about the various types of support that the library receives from generous Newtowners each year, and I hope this letter underscores the importance of the library’s Annual Appeal, the funding from the town, and its other fundraising efforts.
The municipality provides much of the financial support the library relies on, for which we are extremely grateful. This town support comes in the form of a grant and is taxpayer-funded; a fraction over 1% of the annual municipal budget goes to the library.
Like many New England towns, Newtown’s public library operates with a budget gap of 12-15% every year. Municipalities base library services with such a gap in order to assess the strength of community support, and to encourage individual contributions.
This is why the library depends on healthy contributions to the Annual Appeal and other fundraisers for operations. It is distinct and completely separate from other revenues, some of which are earmarked for specific programs, and we sincerely thank our donors.
Also to be acknowledged are the magnificent efforts of the Friends of the C.H. Booth Library. The Friends know and recognize the library as an essential agency and fund materials that support learning, technology initiatives, and many of the databases that patrons find useful, such as Consumer Reports Online,, and Mango Languages. The Friends support also comes in the form of a grant.
The library circulated almost 151,000 materials during 2020-2021 including record-setting numbers of digital materials. There were well over 8,000 virtual attendees to programs, and the library strove to be open as many hours as possible. When we could not have the doors open, we served patrons at curbside, on the patio, and with home delivery. When we reopened we expanded to 62 hours per week and, of course, digital content is available 24/7.
Per capita, the library’s cost to taxpayers is $48.52 — among the lowest in Fairfield County. Considering all the services that the library returns to the community (circulating materials, educational programs, computer use, WiFi usage, technology, databases, etc.), for FY 2020-2021, the value of services that C.H. Booth Library provided our community was $3.25 million.
Individual contributions to the library help maintain services and new books and films, the digital content that has been so necessary during COVID-19, and hundreds of educational programs. The library needs the assistance of the community so that we can help build a healthy future for Newtown.
“I love the library” – I hear that everywhere I go. Private support helps attract and retain talented staff, maintain a wide range of print and digital media, and fund diverse educational programs. This private support is absolutely necessary for the library to operate and supplements the grant from the town.
Where else can a person find so much information, content, and learning for a better value than our public library?
Douglas C. Lord — Director
Cyrenius H. Booth Library