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Penny Wise, Pound Foolish With Resiliency Funds



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To the Editor:

According to a recent articles in and the Danbury News Times,  the Town of Newtown is planning to hire four employees in an effort to continue the much needed counseling services for the community members still suffering the emotional affects after of the Sandy Hook massacre.The Newtown Bee

These counselors are to be funded by cobbling together various grants in spite of a gift of $15 million dollars from GE for just such a facility. The gift specifically states that the money is to be used for a community center to be a focal point of healing and resiliency. Instead, this gift has been hijacked by special interests ranging from building a senior center, a competition swim team pool, new Park and Rec offices, purchasing the Newtown Youth Academy, and even a hockey rink. In short, everything but healing and resiliency services.

How sad that the people of Newtown still suffering from 12/14 have to look for grant money, hat in hand, while the well intentioned gift from GE is squandered on feathering our nest.

Paul Fadus

5 Sunset Hill Road, Newtown         January 4, 2016

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