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Styler To Be Featured At SCAN Meeting



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Styler To Be Featured At SCAN Meeting

Anda Styler of Sherman will demonstrate in acrylic for the next meeting of Society of Creative Arts of Newtown (SCAN). The group will meet on Wednesday, January 10, at 7:30 pm.

Meeting are open to the public free of charge and are held at Newtown Meeting House (lower level), at 31 Main Street in Newtown (at the flagpole).

Anda Styler is a 1983 graduate of Parson’s School of Design in New York City, where she received a BA in fine art. She began painting in her teenage years, her first medium being acrylic paint, which she continues to use today.

Ms Styler was the subject of a recent feature article in Artist Magazine, which was accompanied by step-by-step instruction in her acrylic painting technique. Her work has been published in several books and she was won numerous awards.

Six galleries throughout the United States including Beaux Arts Fine Art Gallery in Woodbury currently represent her. “Water, Land and Sky,” the current group show at Beaux Arts, includes a number of Ms Styler’s works.

For SCAN, Ms Styler will paint a typical New England scene as she explains how acrylics differ from oils and how they need to be handled.

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