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Don't Let Your New Year's Resolution To Quit Smoking Go Up In Smoke



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Don’t Let Your New Year’s Resolution To Quit Smoking Go Up In Smoke

DANBURY — If you’ve finally decided to quit smoking in 2001, you can accomplish this most important health goal while getting the support you will need to succeed. Danbury Hospital in conjunction with the American Lung Association of Connecticut (ALA) will offer smoke cessation classes starting in February.

The ALA’s “Freedom from Smoking” program, a series of seven two-hour Tuesday evening classes, will be held at Danbury Hospital in the 5 South Conference Room on February 6, 13, 20, 22, 27, March 6 and 20, from 7 to 9 pm.

The goal of the “Freedom from Smoking” program is to help you quit smoking through positive behavioral approaches. Led by a trained leader, the program teaches smokers to address both the physical and psychological aspects of the nicotine addiction while at the same time providing strong motivation and support.

Participants will learn the tools and techniques that are necessary for quitting smoking, as well as relapse prevention and how to quit smoking for life.

The cost for the “Freedom From Smoking” program is $125 per person and includes materials. Pre-registration and pre-payment are required. To register or for more information and directions, call Diana Do, Danbury Hospital Marketing and Community Relations Department, at 797-7490.

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