A Development Must Be A Good Fit
To the Editor:
At the December 18 meeting of the Borough Zoning Commission, Chairman Nelson spoke about how the Castle Hill development complies with zoning regulations for the number of proposed housing units. While the 117-unit cluster housing development may be in compliance on paper, what may be reasonable for one location is a disaster for another. The proposed development for Castle Hill is not a good fit for that location. Adding more residential cars, delivery and service vehicles will only exacerbate an existing traffic problem on Main Street and connecting roads. Mount Pleasant (Route 25), is a heavily traversed arterial road with steep grades. It will be heavily impacted by a development of this size. The addition of so many more vehicles entering and exiting the proposed development will likely have disastrous consequences.
During a public hearing, a volunteer fireman testified on how heavy traffic can impede and delay their response to fire emergencies. Response time is critical for protecting property and human life. I think all would agree that public safety should always be a priority when decisions are made with regard to location and size of a proposed development.
While deliberating on the Castle Hill development, the Borough Zoning Board needs to focus on what is best for the town and its residents. Approving a development purely based on checking the boxes without consideration for its residents, their needs, and public safety would be irresponsible. The Board needs to deny this application and require the developer to significantly reduce the number of units proposed. This is the best way to protect our town and its residents from the negative impacts of this development, now and for years to come. The proposed development for Castle Hill is not a good fit for the Borough of Newtown.
Holly Kocet
Some facts to consider.
A total of 40,00 trips a day take place on Rt 25, The Castle Hill project will add less than 1%.
Cluster homes are already an approved concept for the Borough, because it preserves open land and builds homes with sewer and public water. I’m Suggesting the Zoning Board should approve this because its a proposal that meets conservation goals and “checks” all the boxes.
Not approving a development that has “checked” all the boxes because the NIMBY mob doesn’t like it is wrong.
Holly Kocet is pushing a false narrative. The facts simply don’t bear out any negative impact to the traffic on Mt Pleasant Road. Saying it does , does not make it true. The road handles in excess of 40,000 trip a day. a couple hundred form Castle Hill is negatable.