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Recognizing Perfection In The New Year



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A new year is the impetus to do life better. Whether in our personal lives or work places, the calendar pushes the idea that this is the moment to seize; that from the first of January onward, we march toward improvement.

Typical promises revolve around body image: we will lose/gain weight; we will exercise more often; we will change our diets to match the diet of the moment; we will eschew fats, sugars, animal products; we will quit smoking/drinking; we will be a buff, coiffed, perfect version of ourselves by the time next New Year’s Eve rolls around. Whew. It is a lot of pressure we place upon ourselves.

What is hard to understand is that we are already the perfect version of ourselves. We are each born into this world, perfection personified. Who has not looked into the eyes of a newborn child and seen that all is good, all is right? It is only the outside influences over the years that mar our ability to see our own beauty.

This new year, if life has dented your vision of yourself, make a promise to love yourself as you are. Love your body shape, be it tall, short, round, thin, broad, or narrow. Love your curly, straight, dull, oily, brown, blonde, black, short, long — or missing — hair. Love your eyes, be they blue, black, hazel, green, brown, or gray. Love your tan skin, your pale skin, your brown skin, your dark skin, your freckled and itchy skin. Love your legs unmoving or those that carry you forward. Love your arms that lift or lie in stillness by your side. Love every tremor that reminds you, you are living still. Love yourself in sickness or in health.

Love your heart for the goodness it holds. Love your smile that cheers another. Love your generosity that brings joy to those less fortunate. Love your voice that cheers others onward, that soars in song. Love your hands that heal and hands that create. Love your imagination that leads to discovery. Love your gifts and nurture them: teach, reach out, paint, sculpt, write, dance, listen, read, speak, repair, build. Be still and wonder at the world around you. Look into the eyes of a stranger and connect.

Do not be afraid to honor who you are, and above all, know that you — in all your glory — are loved.

There is turmoil in the world around us. Do not take it personally, and do not let it ensnare you. Turn negativity into positive action and love what you do and those with whom you do it.

Whisper to yourself or shout aloud your belief in a better place, that honesty prevails, that we are here to help, not hinder, one another. Acknowledge the challenges presented and accept the support you need to take them on.

The new year is a time to celebrate. Celebrate your perfection. The unblemished you of the day of your birth is with you still.

Happy New Year.

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