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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

President Biden’s Strong Accomplishments



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To the Editor:

Fortunately, US presidents do not make monumental decisions on the strength of their physical attributes, or the ability to walk up and down staircases! They make their decisions on their ability to think, as did FDR, the greatest of our US presidents, who carried on his presidential duties from a wheelchair (as does the current governor of Texas)! Do you recall the New Deal, the passing of the Social Security Act, 1935, and the rights of employees to form unions for representation! All from a wheelchair!

Thank you, President Biden, for employing more people than at any point in American history, for vowing to protect Social Security and Medicare, for supporting NATO, for cutting child poverty in half by the American Rescue Plan, for lowering costs of families’ everyday expenses, such as prescription drugs (insulin capped at $2,000/year), for rescuing the economy and changing the course of the pandemic, for rebuilding our infra-structure, for improving the lives of toxic-exposed Veterans, for passing the first meaningful anti-gun violence Act in 30 years, passing the Chips and Science Act, for focusing on climate change, which is an existential threat, and addressing the border crisis with an Executive Order — just to name a few!

And vitally important, Biden’s continuing focus on the importance of maintaining our DEMOCRACY, with honesty and integrity!

Robert and Lynn Morrison

Sandy Hook

A letter from Robert and Lynn Morrison.
Comments are open. Be civil.
  1. qstorm says:

    Gotta love MSNBC.

  2. netwownnutmegger says:

    Delicious glass of Kool-Aid.

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