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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Experience Matters



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To the Editor:

Experience is the seasoning that develops the minds of great leaders.

Jeff Capeci and John Madzula are proven, experienced leaders who comprise the best team to lead Newtown into the future as our First Selectman and Selectman. Jeff and John have led the Council and the Board of Finance respectively and actively developed budgets, fiscal policy and local governance that have shaped Newtown over the past 20 years.

Jeff Capeci’s resume includes two terms on the Board of Selectmen, five terms on the Legislative Council, serving three of those terms as Chairman, and twice chosen to be a member of the Charter Revision Commission, both times as Chairman. John Madzula has been a member of the Conservation Commission and is currently serving as Chairman in his second term on the Board of Finance.

Both Jeff and John have risen to leadership on the confidence of those who have served with them. It is in these roles that their dedication to Newtown becomes evident. There is no substitute for the experience of this team.

November 7 is our opportunity to join the countless others who have served with Jeff and John and chosen them for leadership in Newtown. Please join me in voting for Jeff Capeci for First Selectman and John Madzula II for Board of Selectmen on Tuesday, November 7.

Michele Buzzi


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