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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Voting Record On Key Issues Is Troubling



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To the Editor:

A review of the website for the candidacy to re-elect Mitch Bolinsky has a statement on the front page: “This site, my first 6 terms, and my 2024 campaign are all about you. Your family, your business. Having a safe, thriving Community.”

Based on that opening statement it would be safe to assume that Mitch’s voting record on key issues would reflect those assertions. Unfortunately that doesn’t seem to be the case:

On May 25, 2023 Mitch voted against a bill that enhances various gun control measures including prohibiting open carry in public spaces and prohibiting domestic violence offenders from purchasing firearms.

On May 7, 2024 Mitch voted against a bill that appropriates funding for the State higher education budget.

On May 2, 2024 Mitch voted against a bill to expand a State Work Zone Camera Program that is designed to protect State DOT workers. Mitch was one of 13 Republican representatives voting against the bill, with 38 Republican representatives voting for it.

On May 1, 2024 Mitch voted against a bill to amend various State climate change regulations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

On May 5, 2022 Mitch voted against a bill to authorize protection for reproductive health. A key part of the bill was that the decision to terminate a pregnancy stays with the patient in consultation with their physician.

(Data Source: https://justfacts.votesmart.org/ )

Mitch’s voting record on key issues does not seem to truly reconcile with his focus on family, business, and having a safe and thriving community.

When casting your vote in November for our State Representative please consider Michelle Embree Ku for the position. Her votes will truly be in support of initiatives that will benefit our community.


Gavin Arneth

Sandy Hook

A letter from Gavin Arneth.
Comments are open. Be civil.
  1. phydeaux says:

    Imagine that. A republican voting “against” left wing progressive policies/laws.

  2. ryan knapp says:

    Mitch has a 100% voting record from the CT business association and multiple recognitions from groups such as AARP, special education and education groups. Reductive oversimplifications of nuanced issues is lazy campaigning and insulting to the voters of Newtown.

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