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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Snapshot: James Pendergast



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Family: My mom and dad; my brother, Luke; and my sister, Ali; my uncles Fred, Tom, Mike and John; my aunts Mary and Margaret; my Grandma and my Grandpa; and cousins Zach, Tori, Wes, Austin and Lance.

Do you have any pets? We have two dogs.

How long have you lived in Sandy Hook? All my life.

Where do you go to school? St Rose School. I’ll be in seventh grade this year.

What do you like to do in your free time? Play baseball, and play video games on my computer.

What would you like to be when you grow up? A welder, and a diesel mechanic.

If you could spend the day with one person, living or deceased, who would you pick? My grandpa Fred.

What was the most recent movie you saw in the theater? Top Gun: Maverick.

Who is your favorite music performer? Brooks & Dunn

What is your favorite music genre? Country

Who or what has been the greatest influence in your life? Probably my dad.

Do you have any pet peeves? When people just talk about themselves.

What is your favorite food? Steak, medium rare.

Favorite color? Blue

What is something you cannot live without? Food.

What is your proudest accomplishment? Making at least $200 a year doing chores.

What is your favorite part about Newtown? All the baseball fields and spots inside and outside for different sports. I also like Newtown because all of my family and friends are in our town and close by. I also like Newtown because it’s a place my family has called home for over 100 years.

James Pendergast —Bee Photo, Hicks
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