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Snapshot: Sue Shortt



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Occupation: My husband Jim and I own and operate Shortt’s Farm in Sandy Hook.

Family: We have two boys, James, 13, and Jesse, 12.

Pets: We have a dog named Opie, a ton of chickens (too many to name), and we just got 100 more laying hens.

How long have you lived in Newtown? With the exception of four years in Boston and NYC for college and a few years in Southbury, I am a lifelong resident of Newtown.

What do you like to do in your free time? In the winter when we are not farming, I love to paint and sew.

What is your favorite book? Hmm... that’s a hard one. I loved The Red Tent by Anita Diamant, but I love books, so hard to say a favorite.

What is your favorite travel destination? We don’t travel much, because in the summer we are so busy and by the time winter shows up, I just want to be home. We do go to Florida every few years and my dad was a huge Disney fan, so when we were young, we would go every year. I’ve taken my boys to Disney a few times, but they don’t love it like I do.

What is the best part about Newtown? I know it’s a cliché, but I would have to say the people. I have met so many great people at our business over the years, and we have such amazing customers who support us and really appreciate what we do.

What organizations are you part of in Newtown? I am one of the market managers for the Newtown Farmer’s Market, which is held every Tuesday at Fairfield Hills from 2 from 6:30 pm and runs June to October.

Who has been the greatest influence in your life? I would have to say my parents. They were great role models growing up.

If you could spend the day with one person, who would you choose and why? For sure my dad. He passed away before I got married and joined Jim on the farm. I think he would get the biggest kick out of what I do for a living and I would love for him to meet my children.

Who is your favorite musical artist? I definitely don’t have one favorite artist. I listen to all kinds of music.

What is the greatest piece of advice you have ever been given? My father always used to say, “Don’t let it get you down, kid,” and I think about that all the time. Now I tell my kids that whenever something is bothering them.

What is something you cannot live without? Ferris ice cream for sure!

What is your proudest accomplishment? I would have to say the farm. It has grown so much since I first met Jim. I love that we can work together as a family doing something we all love. The boys play such a big part in the day-to-day operations, and I am glad that we can give them that experience. It truly is a labor of love for our whole family.

Sue Shortt is The Newtown Bee's most recent Snapshot profile. —photo courtesy Sue Shortt
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1 comment
  1. dc says:

    Truly beautiful woman inside and out – and a great representative of what organic vegetables can do for you and your health. One of the many, many people that make Newtown the great town that it is.

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