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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Snapshot: Kristy Davenport



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Family: My husband, Peter — we’ve been married 31 years; sons Peter and Mike; and daughter Tess.

Pets: Two standard golden doodles, Sandy, 11; and Lucy, who’s 1 year.

How long have you lived in Newtown? 32 years. We bought our house a year to the day before we were married.

Work: I’m in my 17th year at Sandy Hook School, where I’m a paraeducator. I’m support staff for students, help the teachers, pretty much do whatever Admin asks me to do. I love my job, and if you love what you do it makes it much easier to go in every day.

What do you like to do in your free time? Anything in my gardens or my yard, even weeding because it makes things look pretty. I also like bird watching, and crafty stuff, especially repurposing things.

Do you have a favorite book? I really love The Help.

What is the most recent book you’ve read? Lessons in Chemistry. I am a big reader, and during the school year I’ll usually read the Nutmeg [Book Award] books that are up for awards. It sparks conversations with the kids at school because they’ll ask what I’ve read, and which part I liked. Having them see adults reading the books, other than the librarian, who also reads them, is great. Getting kids excited about reading is very important. I’ve been doing that — reading all ten Nutmegs — for years. I love it, and the kids love seeing grown-ups reading their books.

Are you part of any organizations? I haven’t been active recently, but I was very active with TLC Sweet Soles Rescue for about seven years. It’s a dog and cat rescue place in town, and I was actually known as “The Puppy Pusher” [laughs] because several people who didn’t have dogs got them, as did several people at work, from me. I do things for them once in a while. I’m also big with Buy Nothing Newtown because I love to repurpose stuff and keep things out of landfills. I also love offering things to the [BNN Facebook group] when I have something I no longer want or need. Let’s spread the wealth a little bit.

What was the most recent movie you saw in the theater? Barbie. I went with my mom.

Favorite actor? Kevin Costner.

Favorite musical artist? Jimmy Buffett

Do you have any pet peeves? People that litter. During COVID I ran out of things to do that were non-contact with people, so I started walking. Within a quarter-mile of my house I found so much to pick up, I had to call my daughter to help. I had so much in a bag, I couldn’t carry all of it. I just recently did that again with a friend of mine, going in the opposite direction from my house, and we picked up so much trash again. There’s garbage cans everywhere, and even the floor of your car — just hold on to something until you’re home and throw it out then. It’s so not OK to just throw something on the side of the road, or anywhere else it doesn’t belong.

Favorite color? Hot pink

What is something you cannot live without? Sweets, especially chocolate, but if I lost my phone I’d really be lost. At the end of the day, though, I need my sweets.

Do you have a favorite travel destination? The mountains of Maine — inland, the lakes and rivers; not the coast.

What is your favorite part about Newtown? The togetherness that everybody shows. When there’s someone in need, there is always help. People step up, even if they don’t know a person. I don’t know if we know about it now because of Facebook and other platforms that are available, but I don’t recall this growing up and you just see so much of that now.

What is something you’d like to see covered in The Newtown Bee? I’d like to see more follow-up stories. You hear about something, and then it often goes flat. Just more follow-ups on any kind of topic that should have a follow-up.

Do you have a personal credo? Smile. It makes the world a brighter place.

Kristy Davenport —Bee Photo, Hicks
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