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Newtown, CT, USA

Castle Hill Development ‘Bee’ Coverage Recap



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EDIT: This article has been edited to remove a reference to road abandonment.

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With an important meeting concerning the potential discontinuation of Reservoir Road as part of a request by a developer looking to develop 20-60 Castle Hill Road, The Newtown Bee is looking back at its previous coverage to remind residents of previous developments in this controversial issue. The Board of Selectmen meeting may see a decision on the discontinuation of Reservoir Road, which, while it is mostly unused, was part of the Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route. The meeting is at 7:30 pm Monday, July 15, in the Community Center’s Multipurpose Room 3.

The Bee’s first coverage was at a neighbor meeting on March 23, 2023, where developer George Trudell and property owner Joseph Draper addressed those who lived nearby the development about what he was planning:

Developers Look To Assuage Fears On Borough Development

Trudell then spoke to The Borough of Newtown’s Board of Burgesses on June 13, 2023:

Borough Officials Hear From Castle Hill Road Developer

The first discontinuance, which was later determined to not properly follow state statute on September 18, 2023:

Road Discontinuance Creates Path For Castle Hill Development

The Bee’s first story on the Inland Wetlands Commission Hearing on March 13, 2024:

Residents Raise Concerns For Castle Hill Cluster-Home Project During Inland Wetlands Meeting

The Inland Wetlands Commission approved the proposed development on a 4-3 vote on March 27, 2024:

Inland Wetland Commission Narrowly Approves Castle Hill Cluster-Home Project

The Newtown Forest Association filed an appeal regarding the Inland Wetlands decision on April 19, which has yet to be decided.

NFA Appeals IWC Decision At Castle Hill

Newtown Conservation Coalition founder Dave Ackert challenged the previously approved discontinuation of Reservoir Road in mid-May:

Reservoir Road, Part Of Rochambeau Trail, At Issue In Castle Hill Development

In late May, both the Board of Selectmen and the Legislative Council discussed property disposal, at issue with a potential discontinuation of Reservoir Road:

Council, Selectmen Discuss Property Disposal Process

In early June, the Board of Selectmen restarted the road discontinuation process.

Reservoir Road Issue Discussed, Sent To P&Z For 8-24 Approval

Most recently, on June 28, the Planning & Zoning Commission approved the 8-24 referral, ruling 3-2 that the discontinuation of Reservoir Road fit the town’s Plan of Conservation and Development.

P&Z Approves 8-24 Referral, Road Discontinuation Moves Back To Selectmen

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