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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Celebrating 30 Years Of Service: Sergeant Douglas Wisentaner



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On July 1, 1994, Douglas Wisentaner started his career as a Newtown Police Officer. In 1998, he was promoted to Youth Officer. On October 3, 2001, Wisentaner was promoted to Sergeant.

Early last Thursday morning, the police department gathered in the roll call room to briefly celebrate Sergeant Wisentaner’s service to the department. Police Chaplain Revell opened the celebration with a prayer, followed by a presentation of a certificate recognizing his dedication to the Town by First Selectman Jeff Capeci. After the certificate was gifted to Sergeant Wisentaner, Chief David Kullgren detailed the highlights of his career.

Included in those highlights were receiving Mothers Against Drunk Driving awards in 1999, 2009, and 2010. He received an Award for Merit for “exceptional leadership” and “[taking] command of daily operations” during 12/14. Kullgren also mentioned Wisentaner’s help during the “Bobbie Bear incident,” which garnered a few chuckles from the crowd.

Kullgren handed things over to Wisentaner’s son. He said, “I’ll say he was the best father a son could have, a selfless officer, and a good leader. You should be blessed to have him.”

The crowd vehemently agreed with expletives and a round of applause for their friend and coworker’s dedication and service.

Kullgren said it simply, “We’re happy to have you, Doug.”


Reporter Sam Cross can be reached at sam@thebee.com.

Chief Kullgren presented a slideshow of Wisentaner’s career. Pictured on screen is Wisentaner’s first ID photo from 1994. —Bee Photos, Cross
Douglas Wisentaner (center) smiles sitting next to his son as Chief Kullgren details the highlights of his career.
First Selectman Jeff Capeci hands Sergeant Wisentaner a certificate of recognition for his 30 years of service to the Newtown Police Department.
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