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Newtown Bridge Club Hosts Annual Longest Day Fundraiser



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Every year, Alzheimer’s Association hosts several “Longest Day” fundraisers across the country. Some people host marathons, some people host motorcycle rides, and some host bowling tournaments. Here, in Newtown, Newtown Bridge Club hosted their 8th Annual Longest Day fundraiser on June 18 for Alzheimer’s Association.

The event is planned around the summer solstice, otherwise known as the longest day of the year, to symbolize the long fight ahead of those diagnosed or impacted by the disease. Linda Dale Mulholland, assistant club manager, said, “There are so many people that have been impacted … Every place you go, someone’s been impacted by [Alzheimer’s].”

The devastation of Alzheimer’s is close to the Bridge Club’s heart, as director Rosemary Benedict’s husband, Jon, was diagnosed with the disease a while back. “The Alzheimer’s Association is a great resource,” Benedict said, “They have 24/7 call lines and, really, you can call at any time.”

The event started at 10 am last Tuesday and went on until 5 pm Tuesday evening. The players were on round 7 right before noon, with their lunch break starting at 1 pm. The Alexandria Room at Edmond Town Hall was filled with bridge tables and players, as was the gym on the lower floor. One side of the gym hosted bridge tables, and the other hosted Scrabble games. The youngest Scrabble player there just completed the third grade.

The Scrabble players started at 10 am as well, but they didn’t clear out of Edmond Town Hall until 9:30 pm. Cornelia Guest, the director of the Scrabble games, explained this was her fourth year directing Scrabble games with the Newtown Bridge Club for the Longest Day. The Bridge Club didn’t have enough people to fill the gym at Edmond Town Hall one year, so they asked Guest if she would conduct some games during their fundraiser.

“I’m so grateful to the Newtown Bridge Club for allowing me into the overflow space,” Guest said. She continued, “People were really generous [this year], they gave more than the entrance fee.”

The Scrabble players raised just over $2,000 for the Alzheimer’s Association.

Last year, the Newtown Bridge Club was 14 overall in the country for bridge club fundraisers, they raised more than $16,000, and “hope to equal or top that this year,” Mulholland explained.

“We’re gonna hit 20 this year,” Benedict said with a wink. The club is well on their way to achieving that goal, with an estimate of over $20,000 raised so far this year.”


Reporter Sam Cross can be reached at sam@thebee.com.

The Newtown Bridge Club hosted their annual Longest Day Fundraiser on Tuesday, June 18. The gym at Edmond Town Hall was packed with bridge and Scrabble players alike. —Bee Photos, Cross
In the Alexandria Room at Edmond Town Hall, bridge players gathered to help raise money for Alzheimer’s Association.
Andrew Wilen was the Morning B Division Scrabble winner at just eight-and-a-half-years-old. —photo courtesy Cornelia Guest
Scrabble winner Eric Goldstein stands proudly with his trophy.
Scrabble winner Josylin Hodge-Watson displays her trophy.
Newtown Bridge Club Director, Rosemary Benedict, has personally been affected by the devastating impacts Alzheimer's disease can have on a family unit.
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