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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Building From Last Meeting, Interfaith Council Sets Sight On Future Endeavors



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The Newtown Interfaith Council (NIC) built off of discussions from its previous meeting and set their sights on future endeavors during its latest meeting at Trinity Episcopal Church.

Newtown Congregational Church Lead Pastor Matt Crebbin led the conversation on June 4, sharing with those who did not attend May’s meeting everything the group discussed with that afternoon’s special guest, Director of Human Services Natalie Griffith.

Crebbin detailed several identifiable needs in the community the group discussed with Griffith, including affordable housing, transportation for seniors, and lack of downsizing options.

When asked by fellow NIC member Andrea Wyatt if Griffith mentioned “any holes that they as a group could jump into,” Crebbin brought up Love Has a Home Here Founder Bill Donaldson’s suggestion from the May meeting about potentially doing some sort of event with Sticks and Stones Farm or a rotational event at Newtown Community Center.

“One of the things we talked about with seniors is programming opportunities for them,” Crebbin continued. “Maybe there could be some sort of event on religious traditions or a series on Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, one form of Christianity, whatever we wanted to do.”

Crebbin said that would be a way to bring together people who otherwise might not talk with each other and strengthen bonds in the community.

The group also hopes to eventually continue the “Communities of Compassion” initiative when Dr John Woodall, who is the main driving force for the project, is able to attend the meetings again. Crebbin brought up that they could potentially try to hold a “Communities of Compassion” event, or an event similar to that, at the community center.

“The main goal is to do it at home, that’s the main model, but … we could potentially do something similar to that there,” Crebbin said.

The council also discussed looking into a new logo for the group, potentially reaching out to someone in their foundations or communities for someone to design it.

NIC does not usually meet in July or August. Before adjourning for the summer, Crebbin said he would contact council members to arrange a time that would allow as many members to attend as possible when they resume meeting in September.


Reporter Jenna Visca can be reached at jenna@thebee.com.

Newtown Interfaith Council members Andrea Wyatt, Matthew Crebbin, Steve Bamberg, and Leo McIlrath discussed ways the group could continue helping the community during the Tuesday, June 4 meeting in the library of Trinity Episcopal Church. —Bee Photo, Visca
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