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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Cultural Events

An Interfaith Journey To Soul, May 21 With Sheikha Maryan Kabeer



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Love Has A Home will host “An Interfaith Journey to Soul” with Sufi Mystic and Author Sheikha Maryam Kabeer.

The event is planned for Tuesday, May 21, at 7 pm, at Sticks and Stones Farm, 197 Huntingtown Road.

The author of the book A Journey Through Ten Thousand Veils, Kabeer will lead a discussion of her spiritual journey. She is a frequent speaker at interfaith gatherings.

Kabeer was born into a liberal Jewish family in Hollywood, but felt led to begin a deep spiritual quest in her teens. Her search took her to northern California, New Mexico, India and Nepal, and later to Christian monasteries in Europe where she lived for a time.

Her journey to the holy places and people around the earth, including much time in Africa, led her to the truth that all lives are totally interconnected and united. The core of her message is that the people of the earth are one and that they cannot truly be separated by racial, national, or cultural distinctions. She believes the peace, love and mercy of the Divine are meant for all.

Reservations are requested and available through sticksandstonesfarm.com/events.

Donations are welcome and will support Love Has a Home and similar future programs.

Love Has A Home will host “An Interfaith Journey to Soul” next week with Sufi Mystic and Author Sheikha Maryam Kabeer.
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