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Bookworms Win Battle



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Bookworms Win Battle

The Battle of the Books took place March 18 at the C.H. Booth Library, with nine teams of young people taking part. The tournament, a trivia contest based on four books that have been featured in young adult book discussions the past 12 months, was won by the Bookworms group, a team made up of all fifth grade students.

Bookworm members Patrick Rowley, Garrison Buzzanca, Richard Huffman, Nicholas Burns, and Austin Bodetti will have their names inscribed on a plaque displayed in the Young Adult department of the library. Each winner has selected a book for the YA collection that will be donated in his name by the Friends of the C.H. Booth Library, and was awarded a $20 gift certificate to Borders Books and Music.

The seventh grade team, Sin Nombres, made up of Nicole Lang, Emily Ashbolt, and Katie Burns, took second place at the tournament. Each won a $10 gift certificate to Borders.

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