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Hwang Urges Testimony For March 15 Public Hearing On Land Use Controls



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HARTFORD — According to a press release received from the office of Senator Tony Hwang, a public hearing will take place Monday, March 15, in the legislature’s Planning and Development Committee, where there are bills aimed at local control of land use decisions. (Notably S.B. 1024, and H.B. 6107, H.B. 6611, H.B. 6112, H.B. 6613, S.B. 1026, S.B. 1027, H.B. 6107)

“S.B. 1024, An Act Concerning Zoning Authority, Certain Design Guidelines, Qualifications of Certain Land Use Officials and Certain Sewage Disposal Systems: This controversial proposal is built on recommendations from Desegregate CT, a special interest group that on Wednesday [March 10] e-mailed its supporters to notify them that S.B. 1024 contains “ALL of the reforms” the group has advocated for since it was created last summer,” stated Hwang.

“The need for more diverse housing in Connecticut needs to be addressed, however, the unique needs and geography of each community (including cities, suburbs, and rural areas) must be considered. The above noted bills will:

• Force municipalities to erect specific types of housing developments within a ½ mile of transit stations OR ¼ mile of commercial corridors;

• Eliminate local control over certain types of housing (location-based, accessory, 2+ units) and allow certain developments to occur without a local public hearing;

• Create new mandates — including training staff, assimilating local regulations and shouldering new costs;

• Affect the environment and drinking water statewide by ignoring the responsibilities of municipalities who host waterways, open space;

• Impact traffic flow, parking demands;

• Drive up residency at a rate which outpaces the capacities of local resources/services - Police, Fire, Schools;

• Overburden the public water and sewer infrastructure (if available);

• Require access to public transportation (if available).

The Planning & Development Committee Public Hearing begins at 10 am. Sign up to testify via Zoom at https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_F10fDzNYTD2KAbjH5bKNMw.

Registration deadline is Sunday, March 14, at 3 pm.

To testify via e-mail, send testimony to pdtestimony@cga.ct.gov., preferably Word or PDF format. Include “NO to State-Mandated Zoning and Yes to maintaining Local Control & Municipal Home Rule” in the subject line.

Include your name, town and Bill numbers (HB 6107, HB 6611, HB 6612, HB 6613, SB 1024, SB 1026, SB 1027).

Copy Senator Hwang on your testimony at tony.hwang@cga.ct.gov.

To testify by phone, call 203-350-3769 to leave your contact information.

The hearing can be viewed on March 15 at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEsDMNXQCzttdT-G9ImVJIg/live.

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