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'Maps In Genealogy,' January 11 With Newtown Club And Guest Speaker Kapustiak



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The first meeting of the new year for The Genealogy Club of Newtown will be held virtually on Wednesday, January 11, at 7 pm.

Margaret (Peg) Kapustiak of Florida will present “30 Types of Maps Useful in Genealogy.”

Maps can unlock details about a family or lead researchers to new resources. In her presentation, Kapustiak will cover various kinds of maps, and look at details included and not included in maps. She will offer suggestions on locating maps for Europe and the USA.

Kapustiak has been a genealogist and family historian for 44 years. She has researched her family history in the Chicago area, the Midwest, New England, and New York State, plus ten countries both in Europe and Asia when she lived overseas.

She has provided over 155 talks to 46 different organizations, both nationally and internationally in the past 21 years, including the Illinois State Genealogical Conference and the Genealogical Society of Sarasota. She is the author of one book, and 48 research articles.

She currently volunteers at five historical/genealogical organizations. She holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Wisconsin.

All meetings of the Genealogy Club of Newtown are co-sponsored by the C.H. Booth Library and are open to the public. Visitors are always welcome, and encouraged to become members. Dues are $25 annually for an individual and $35 for family membership.

To receive a link for the January 11 meeting, send an email request for the Zoom link by January 9 to genclubnewtownct.secretary@gmail.com.

Those planning to join the presentation are asked to sign in to Zoom on January 11 at 6:45 pm so that everyone can be admitted before the meeting begins promptly at 7.

Margaret Kapustiak will present “30 Types of Maps Useful in Genealogy,” from Florida, as the first Genealogy Club of Newtown program of the new year.
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