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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Mihalcik Makes A Switch From BOF To Legislative Council



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Board of Finance member Matthew Mihalcik was appointed to fill a District 2 vacancy on the Legislative Council at the council’s Wednesday, August 18, meeting.

The replacement, by town charter, allows only members of the same party to vote on the appointment if action is taken within 30 days of the vacancy, which is the case, according to council Chair Paul Lundquist.

“I look forward to getting to know Matt once he joins us on the legislative council,” Lundquist told The Newtown Bee prior to the appointment.

Mihalcik has served on the Economic Development Commission and the C.H. Booth Library Board of Trustees, and was elected to the Board of Finance in 2019. He previously ran unsuccessfully for the Legislative Council in 2017.

Coming on to the finance board just before the pandemic, Mihalcik said that 2020 was “an interesting year” and that the board had done a “good job at keeping the budget in line to not overburden the taxpayers.”

Mihalcik said he is “very committed” to the community and was an Eagle Scout. His family was involved in politics in his home town of Seymour.

“It was inevitable that I would get involved myself,” Mihalcik said.

On the council, Mihalcik hopes to “make sure the town stays financially responsible and transparent.” He said that people who are struggling sometimes feel unheard and he intends to be open to questions and helping to solve problems.

Mihalcik moved to town in 2012, and his wife, Melissa Beard, is a lifelong Newtown resident. Beard is the owner of Floral Design by Melissa, in Sandy Hook, and Mihalcik assists her with that.

He has a “slew” of other responsibilities outside of the business, and is the assistant vice president, small business market manager, at Newtown Savings Bank. Mihalcik started with Newtown Savings Bank as a teller and moved up to branch manager at the bank’s Southbury branch before assuming his current position. He is a former president of the Southbury Business Association.

Mihalcik’s primary responsibility in his role at the bank is to help businesses obtain financing of up to $250,000. Currently, he is assisting businesses through the PPP forgiveness process and forbearance reviews.

Mihalcik is a mentor for SCORE, which is “the nation’s largest network of volunteer, expert business mentors...dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground, grow, and achieve their goals,” according to its website — his background in banking helps the group advise prospective small business owners as they are trying to establish themselves. He describes his role as mentor as “being there and being a sounding board” in helping people understand finance and navigate the challenges that face a first time business owner.

He also serves on the board of Pomperaug Woods Retirement Community and was appointed to the Tax Incentive Tax Force, exploring the use of tax incentives in Southbury.

“I worked closely with [Southbury’s] finance director and first selectman when I worked in town,” Mihalcik said. “They knew I was on the Newtown EDC and had experience with tax incentives, so they asked if I could help.”

Mihalcik lives in Sandy Hook with his wife and three dogs. He has completed two sprint triathlons, two half marathons, and a dozen 5Ks (traditional and obstacle), and shares, “I enjoy the challenge of setting goals and achieving them.”

The finance board will likely announce a replacement to fill Mihalcik’s now-vacant seat in the coming weeks. Within 30 days, the board may appoint a new member with a majority vote of the remaining members; beyond 30 days, the first selectman may make the appointment.

Reporter Jim Taylor can be reached at jim@thebee.com.

Matt Mihalcik
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