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Two town mechanics, spending only $273 for parts, have been able to shore up a Dodgingtown fire truck, First Selectman Jack Rosenthal said this week. Mr Rosenthal said head mechanic Paul Tani and mechanic James Elkins found they could get the truck in good working order by replacing parts in the pumper and engine. Mr Rosenthal said he would like to see the volunteer fire departments take greater advantage of the skills of the mechanics in the Highway Department.

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The Garden Club of Newtown will celebrate its 30th anniversary next year. Part of its celebration will include a Standard Flower Show in June, 1985. The club was founded in 1955 after a group of Newtown women attended a Danbury Garden Club meeting.

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The attempt by F. Francis D’Addario to move his appeal of the Zoning Board of Appeals ruling regarding his Newtown landfill from Danbury to Bridgeport Superior Court was denied Monday by Danbury Superior Court Judge Patricia Green, who found no grounds to allow the transfer.


August 7, 1959

The Most Reverend Lawrence J. Shehan of Bridgeport presided at the Centennial Mass at St Rose Church Sunday morning at 11 o’clock, which marked the 100th anniversary of the founding of St Rose Parish.

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Planning and zoning passed its second serious test on Saturday when voters and property owners elected to retain its provisions by a margin of 284 votes in the referendum to consider rescinding of planning and zoning, the second within a year. The Saturday vote was the culmination of several weeks of campaigning in which organizations were formed to represent those for and against the rescinding.

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Details of the new plant of the Plastic Molding Corporation, which Harvey Hubbell, Inc of Bridgeport will build in South Center District, were outlined to The Bee at a luncheon meeting held on Monday at the Hawley Manor Inn. The cost of the new plant will be in excess of one million dollars. It is designed to continue the same operation which has been conducted at the present plant in Sandy Hook.

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A community project to be known as “Operation Library” will be launched by the Newtown Junior Chamber of Commerce on Thursday and Friday evenings, September 3 and 4. Basically, the plan is to sell books, both old and new, at tables or booths and by auction. Rare books and those of special editions will also be offered up at auction.

August 3, 1934

You Are Cordially Invited To Take A Ride in the 1934 CHEVROLET Without Any Obligation On Your Part DRIVE IT ONLY 5 MILES And you’ll never be satisfied with any other low-priced car. One such trial drive will convince you that Chevrolet offers many exclusive features you cannot do without. Liberty Garage, H. G. CARLSON, Prop., NEWTOWN, CONN.


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Edward W. Troy of the Sandy Hook Hotel has been granted a hotel permit for selling beer and ale. He has refurnished and redecorated his grill room in handsome style, opening for business on Monday.

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The Board of Governors of the Country Club have been meeting every Friday, planning for the Country Fair and Horse Show to be held at the club on August 16 to 19. There will be games of chance, contests, and dancing every night of the fair. Among the attractions in connection with the affair will be the giving away of a new 1934 Chevrolet coach.

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Appreciation of the excellence of the concert given last may by the Newtown Orchestral Society is shown by a steadily growing list of Sponsors and Subscribers. The advance sale of seats for the September 6th concert is going forward with more than the usual gratification of seeing success in a sold-out house.



August 6, 1909

The Golden Jubilee in honor of the 50th anniversary of the organization of St Rose’s parish was formally celebrated, Sunday. The Golden Jubilee celebration began formally with the 10 o’clock mass, at which Rev T.B. Smith of Sharon, a former curate at St Rose, was celebrant. The church certainly never presented a finer appearance. The altar, decorated by a local artist, Arthur Moore, was also adorned with cut flower arranged by the Sister of Mercy.

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The Newtown railroad station was entered by burglars, Sunday night, entrance being effected through a window. The cash drawer was pried open, but it contained no money. A drawer a few feet away with the large sum of 31 cents in it was not molested. The burglary has all the appearance of amateur work. Even the gum machines were not molested.

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The business of Mrs E.P. Finch at Sandy Hook has been bought by Corbett, Crowe & Co, who will continue to carry on the grocery and drug business. It will be their aim to give the public satisfactory service.

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A harness was stolen from the barn of John Treadwell, Friday night. Milk and cream being stolen is also reported from Taunton. It is hoped the local deputy sheriff and constables may soon land the guilty wretches.

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